

Combatants Will Be Dispatched! (manga)12

Author: Natsume Akatsuki

Artist: Masaaki Kiasa

Artist: Kakao Lanthanum

Translated by: Noboru Akimoto

Letterer: Brandon Bovia

Combatants Will Be Dispatched! (manga)12

Author: Natsume Akatsuki

Artist: Masaaki Kiasa

Artist: Kakao Lanthanum

Translated by: Noboru Akimoto

Letterer: Brandon Bovia

Now that Agent Six and the gang have brought down their local competitor, and added a member along the way, they can finally enjoy some peace. But not for long because the Kisaragi base is attacked. Yet. AGAIN!! And the culprit is none other than the Sand King, an old foe they barely escaped from the first time! Just what is the deal with the monsters on this planet?! Will the evil corporation be able to rid these nuisances once and for all...?

series cover

Combatants Will Be Dispatched!, Vol. 11 (manga)

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